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banger for 2015 map, bring back this year i beg
what does the title even mean?
That spinner on nemis' insane D:
2nd HDHR fc on nemis' insane :D
OMG 126 PP with no mods...
Nemis' Insane looked dooable...until I saw the drain. -_-
Funny~ <'3
maolvis map is so incredibly enjoyable to play the jumps are so wonderfully placed
This song is so beautiful, I wanna make a taiko version of it. ;w;
I finished it. Just letting ya know. ^^
you can have my favourite <3 , because tsukasa yatoki
how2not 1xmiss
same here man :D
epic spinner, Nemis
i agree, that spinner is freaking horrible.
10s spinner, you won't die
Sick!!11!! another Damnae's SB but Irre why no cs7!! :>>>>>>>>>>>>>
irre's cs7s are love,irre's cs7s are life
the ants are on holiday
One day there must be a cs8...