Okay, so I decided to post this beatmap myself, this was also suggested by peppy btw.
Thank you MaxwellDemon for the following:
-This wonderful song. (I didn't watch the anime)
-Background Image
-The spinners, long sliders, and half of the rhythm of the beats.
-And also for permitting me to edit/fix the beatmap of course.

This beatmap has four difficulties:
Easy - Kinda like a tutorial, starting with a few beats and then going to a more rhythmical beats in the end. Try it Newbies!
Normal - Easier version of Hard.
Hard - Not that hard.
Special - I've created this just for myself, I just wanna share it. I just followed the vocals till the end and added some sync-ed drum rolls, electric guitar stuffs while playing the music.
-Added a simple title/artist info in it lol