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I couldn't play 5* before but now playin' that top diff...Niiicely done.
The ground is beautiful indeed
More people need to play this map. All of the difficulties are amazing! Especially A Mystery's insane. This is a really well presented mapset :D
thanks for yor feedback!
nanooo :DDDD
the bg, song, is not related to any anime at all
a mistery's insane is incredibly nice mapped
it really is <3
Oh man; got rank 4. lets see how long itll take to go to 200
Well my rank went down fast. #15 to #43
nano needs more osu!
drunk? '3'
Nano is love Nano is life
-Shrek 2077
Osu needs more Nano!
more nano and yuyoyuppe
i agree with you
osu! needs more yuyoyuppe!