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congrats on ranking, very cool map
Thank you for the hs
song goes so hard I can't play the game
Vibing too hard to FC frfr ( my excuse :) )
nice map. i think i remember playing this once when it had an arknight bg
Yea... it was 2 years ago
damn 2 years ago huh... made me realize how long i've played this game
throwback banger
flying with this one
Take Flight ranked the world is healing
thus my eyes and ears deceive me. thou has mapped a banger and tis ranked as well. SPLENDID. WE SHALL THROW A PARTY THUS MAPPER ESQUIRE. IN THY NAME OF HIS GREATNESS.
yoooo this goes crazy. super good
banger pfp
I like this mapCongrats on ranked owo
good job
song is good
im here cause aiman joe
Hek eleh, bila qualify baru nak notice
aq dh laman notice au
cool songand congrats on rank c:
ty ty
bro finally
over 2 years
Surely xd
the before one is better i think...
bro top diff is masterpiece