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yeah this map scares me actually!
i was told to get #1 on this.. twice
fuck i 2 sb’d this it wouldve been 380pp and my top play by 60pp this is insanely free
everyone associated with this mapset should be put on a watchlist
FBI DESU!!!!!!!!
play with nightcore if you want to go to a clinically insane
it's good being a lolicon
my favorite song
This is the most annoying song that I've ever heard in my entire life
who the fuck nominated this
uohhhhhhhh 😭😭😭😭
franz gay presents OSU
oh sxxt
why are you everywhere man
I'm not going to prison.
HOW is this 2014
thank you tillerino very cool
there's at least 20 registered sex offenders in this comment section
found one ^
found another ^
Y me decian enfermo por esto
pd: se parece a un h3ntai llamano "oni-chi-ch........ no puedo esta censurado :v
nice loli
fbi open up
바람직한 제목이군요
That's the first map i played in osu :'v <3
We are need a big island of a Loli Country!
For live together.
could you please translate that to english?
loli best
do you have mp3 file
You can get the copy from song file