why cant i even do this shit on ht i have to lock in it looks easy and ive played 6 star LN plenty of times but i just keep selling also orost is a robot
Congrats for getting this ranked! osu! community finally got to the point we are ready to see gzdongsheng ranked maps, awesome! Some people will still keep crying about this, cmon guys you all just have skill issue :u
Please do more maps like this and show who's the hard LN mapping boss 8) (And please rank Tojita Sekai!)
going from light 1/4 LN patterning to 1/5 inverse is like switching to another map. It's not the 1st time that I see a huge spike in one of your maps and it makes no sense
ok so basically the mapper talked to 2 bns and because of how it's 6 minutes only 1 diff is needed and there's no required difficulty change and basically social talking
LNs are too free, not as free as the other farm maps like rebirth the end, HALL or fallen symphony but this is still pretty much 1* higher than it should be
i mean yeah, you can't expect more stuff from the ranked section, but honestly, this is still fun enough for me to like it so that's just what i think
you can still play rice no matter what, it's just better to have fun and play the game itself rather than complain about an issue that will only affect numbers in a profile
if they make it very dense without jumptrill it can still reach this SR, 300 bpm dense is already nearly 8 stars soo ye it's possible but idk why they just wanna map tech or LN, no dense stuff