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Banger mapset
†🌍†Close the World †🌎†地上🌋に🚀決別👋を告げて👃 空⛅️を駆ける🏃💨 かすかな⌛️希望✨✨✨ 「👶君を守る👦」そう呟いた💬瞳 👀💃真紅💃に燃える🔥朽ち👴👵果てても💥赤く💢💢🔥永遠🙇💁に📚📖👾🏄🍟🍧🍢
whats the name of the song on spotify ?
bad acc fc
good map
immaculate vibes
last diff feels so fun to play
ar 8 just killing me
cool map
this map is so peak. i dont know how you've made something thats great to look at, feels satisfying to play, and is overweighted. also the song is actually good
how is this 6.5???????
omg yessssss nii-san diff ranked