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Nope, that's without me
I got #188 i'm so happy ^-^
Oh look cptnXn :3 XD
Ruiko pls ;-;
Laurier is a god mapper is better than GOD
10nya why are you so good at mapping
adhu bang w terharu
Wow this mapset is really good! Especially that Insane d^_^
When did Chitoge become an Alien ?
Edit : Nvm
Taikonya greget untuk yg nubi :'v
Fuck my life
u suk
Nice song
pertamax hanya untuk TS
pls L\_
apa lw \_J
laurier is a god mapper
read my mind
yes! ;w;
I agree!
So true! <3
The third refrain of this song is freaking awesome.