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spent one hour choking second diff with hr, but i got the fc
+1pp for mrekk
I found something interest in the "sb" folder
Very good map
This map is next for mrekk
why genshit BG?
good bg bad game
like your avatar :3c
cus genshin
i love the storyboard alot x)
good song and thanks for first 7* pass <3
Very cute storyboard
Insanely good song and story board combination map also feels amazing to play 10/10 Love the top diff alot btw
Ayaka and Inori Minase, the best combination ever
Ayaka god + music= ❤️📈📈
Inori Minase ...❤️
I love this map, Thanks Sekai
Took a few attempts but finally passed the final section of the top difficulty. The song is good and the beatmap was also really fun and I can't forget about the storyboard either 😊 (probably the reason it took me a few attempts 🤭)
fun map
good song
Both brave climbers fced. I can die happy
i love fumo
i grinded the fuck out of this holy shit
storyboard destroyed my computer. not turning it off though
really good map
i like this map
bruh i keep on missing on the first jumps i have skill issue help me i cant aim
mrekk will take new pp record with top diff on August 15th, 11:37 PM EST
Edit: ://///
ayaka 😍
very nice storyboard
yo im a 40k rank loser with 350pp top play, any players with 350pp+ here? lets be friends
i am
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
nice map
inb4 mrekk hddt fc
At this point I'm waiting for sekai to map an hour+ long inori minase compilation with an ayaka background
i won't mind doing it :Troll:
feed me scoer pls
and I would play and favorite it
Wonderful clean map looking forward to see this ranked
hello ayaka from honkai impact
it happened.
didn't think ayaka sang this song