Zhi uses his knowledge in Welcome to Valhalla and conjures two radiant pistols while he is on his starry form. These pistols deal 3d6 radiant dmg+wisdom modifier and while the pistols are conjured, you are free to move 15ft from your position (this does not count as an action nor a bonus action). Additional effects are added depending on the constellation in your starry form.
Archer: If your bullet hits, you gain an additional +1 bonus action. Additionally, you can do a wisdom check roll 1d20+wisdom modifier, if passed, you regain +1 Spell Slot (Wis 15 to pass). Dual wielding of guns count as +1 bonus action and +1 Spell Slot only if passed. Chalice: Your pistol can pierce through enemies and if it hits an allied party member, you heal them for 1d4+wisdom modifier. If the bullet hits, it procs the Chalice Constellation passive. Dragon: Your guns deal area of effect damage, every enemy within 5 ft. of your target gets 3d6+wisdom modifier dmg. When doing a wisdom/int saving throw, you have an opportunity attack to use your guns.
The guns are treated as pistols and you have to roll thrice (1d4, 1d20 and 3d6) for cocking, hitting and damage respectively. When used after the spell Absorb Elements, the element absorbed is imbued to the pistols and ammo, dealing +1d4 dmg and overwriting its radiant elemental effect with the absorbed effect.
Zhi can choose if he wants to dual wield these pistols (he rolls twice of the said rolls if he does) or pair it with a one handed sword. These pistols can also proc the Firearm Specialist feat.
The pistols lasts for 10 minutes or until incapitated. These pistols can be conjured x times based on your profeciency level. The conjured uses will be reset every long rest
For every new druidic circle spell you learn, the buffs get increased as follows: Main DMG: +1d6 roll Archer: -1 Wisdom Requirement to pass the spellslot save. Chalice DMG: +1d4 Heal Dragon DMG: +1d6 AOE dmg.
Zhi uses his knowledge in Welcome to Valhalla and conjures two radiant pistols while he is on his starry form. These pistols deal 3d6 radiant dmg+wisdom modifier and while the pistols are conjured, you are free to move 15ft from your position as a bonus action. Additional effects are added depending on the constellation in your starry form.
Archer: If your bullet hits, you gain an additional +1 bonus action. Dual wielding of guns count as +1 bonus action only if passed. Chalice: Your pistol can pierce through enemies and if it hits an allied party member, you heal them for 3d4+wisdom modifier. It always procs the Chalice Passive. Dragon: Your guns deal area of effect damage, every enemy within 5 ft. of your target gets 5d6+wisdom modifier dmg. When doing a wisdom/int saving throw, you have an opportunity attack to use your guns.
The pistols lasts for 10 minutes or until incapitated. These pistols can be conjured x times based on your proficiency level. The conjured uses will be reset every long rest