Mmm, Cave Story. Wonderful game, wonderful music, and this here is a wonderful remix by Tackle as part of the Cave Story Remix Project.
This beatmap is a lot more standardized than my previous beatmaps in that I've actually used bookmarks to gauge the song in a sort of storyboard architecture. It's format is surprisingly a lot like EBA/Ouendan (something I have not chosen to do in the past) with evenly spread play/break areas. Maybe it's because I've been playing Ouendan again lately.
Or maybe it's because I've chosen a particularly good Ouendan-style song.
Either way, take a look - I'm sure you'll enjoy.
I'd also like to request the opinion of the pro mouse-players on whether the beat spacing gets a little too difficult nearer the end - on a tablet I can All300 it with a good enough play through, but that's with a tablet.
Update on the above concern: Actually it's fine, I was just being overprotective and I'm just pretty bad with the mouse.
Note: the song isn't all that long so the Drain rate can be a little vicious.
Easy mode is up. Hope it's not too fast for an Easy song.
Everyone who has not played Cave Story should do so at their earliest convenience those of you with PSPs (and custom firmware): - to load it in custom firmware, place the two data files in the PSP/GAME/Cave Story directory on your memory stick.
2D side-scrolling action-adventure game akin to Super Metroid/older CV games.
Available in English and Japanese. It is fantastic.