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ranked #9 in osu! Mania and I don't think there's any way to get higher
I finally made it.
Does anyone feel like you have heard this before?
Damn it's so familiar, why are so many things so familiar to me? Camellia - First Town of This Journey, Reprise of Nitro Fun - Checkpoint, and then this... ???
I ranked #71...so close...
Beautiful <3
Thanks for this !
I lov Raujika, this map is amazing and this storyboard... aww.. :3
osu! needs more calming maps like this once in a while~
*looks at my "A Tender Feeling" map*
You need a higher quality audio file.... not to be mean or anything, but this one's is utter crap.
The song seems to be deliberately like this, cos you can hear the vinyl being put on the turntable (totally faux ofc)
wogh selamat ya gan