amazing collections from fanzhen's recent 6 years maps, and ofc these are not all of them.
fanzhen is now prefering to focus on tech/2B/trial style maps than common ones, thou the later ones were still perfect to me.
and i do really think people shall know that they exists, and i want to know what would happen if someone played them.
collections in this map are all not that edgy, you can technically play them if you have enough abilites.
i recommend these maps here, hope you can enjoy! >.<
also btw, well, as always:
the one with top score of this map would recieve a prize of
you know what, if you care thou.
(anyone who break
all puzzles in fanzhen's xnor map would win that as well.)
you can post your replay to me in pm, or directly in the map's thread.
the leadership's information will be updated in creator's word.
the deadline is 2022/01/31(yyyy/mm/dd)
current top rank:
Rektygonscore: 174,951,230
replaylast update: 2021/12/06(yyyy/mm/dd)
score v2:
WubWoofWolfscore: 211,039 + NF
replaylast update: 2021/12/02(yyyy/mm/dd)