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easy diff is higher star rating than normal lol
i tried not to "break" my combo while playing this map sorry
Best Song plus best Map <3
Thanks a lot :)
Easy has harder star rating than Normal lol.
Yeah, not sure how that could happen, but whatever, I think you know which one is harder and which one is easier :p
Nice Map
My most favorite anime/manga! >.< Nice map!
Mine too ^.^
What anime is this?
Nvm found it it's Pandora Hearts :P
sound trip d[ -,- ]b
,r=''""゙゙゙li, _,、r=====、、,,_ ,r!' ...::;il! ,r!'゙゙´ `'ヾ;、, ..::::;r!'゙ ,i{゙‐'_,,_ :l}..::;r!゙ . ,r!'゙´ ´-ー‐‐==、;;;:.... :;l!:;r゙ ,rジ `~''=;;:;il!::'li . ill゙ .... .:;ll:::: ゙li ..il' ' ' '‐‐===、;;;;;;;:.... .;;il!:: ,il!∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧ ..ll `"゙''l{::: ,,;r'゙ < > ..'l! . . . . . . ::l}::;rll(, < Nice map!! > 'i, ' ' -=====‐ー《:::il::゙ヾ;、 ∨∨∨∨.| ./∨∨∨∨ ゙i、 ::li:il:: ゙'\. |/ ゙li、 ..........,,ノ;i!:.... `' 、 ∧_∧ '=、:::::;;、:、===''ジ゙'==-、、,,,\_\_ ` '(´・ω・`) `~''''===''"゙´ ~''ー( )
'=、:::::;;、:、===''ジ゙'==-、、,,,\_\_ ` '(´・ω・`) `~''''===''"゙´ ~
Thank you!
Darksonic more please.. more @.@ :D huehueheu >:3
#DxMaster :D
Pandora Hearts <3
Dear Darksonic,
I am writing to inform you that this map is okay.
Regards Hula
made my day.
I agree!
wow a good post from Hula
Darksonic is legendary
such things exist, look at my disqus profile, it's not like I lack upvotes my son.
lol thanks :D