This is my first map and I was seeing if you could give me advice, I know it's not that great since I starting mapping today, but just some general tips would help. And thanks to Starrodkirby(sorry if I mispelled that) for getting me the BPM and Offset for the song. I used Pixel's song Last Battle from his game Cave Story. I know I have some weird sliders in there and for some reason the auto mod can't get 100%, it gets 100 on the last dot.
UPDATES: Followed Starrodkirby86's and Xgor's advice. Added a background and hitsounds, it should be a little better this time, but I'm still looking for advice, I'm gonna get started on the next level.
New Level: Added 30 HP, please try it, it's much different then 50HP
Fixed what Starrodkirby suggested and noted. But I didn't use all of his suggestions this time. (Don't worry your still an awesome dude)
Took more or Starrodkirby's suggestions and Derekku Chan's, the end of 30 HP is much better now. And I got rid of the clap and finish abuse the Derekku mentioned. Made some hitsound changes suggested by Xgor
New Level-ish: I uploaded the intro to the Minimal Items to give a preview, just stop after the first spinner because then your at 30 HP
New Level: Minimal Items is complete, and boy is it just like playing Cave Story with Minimal items, try it out, but be warned a prepared after the second spinner, things get fast.
Took some of the suggestions made by, Nexy, Agent Spin Here, and minyeob. And I fixed the huge rhythm dilemma in Minimal Items that Nexy pointed out, for some reason it sounded different at 25% playback, then any other.
Moved to Pending now, should've done it when I updated the map, but it didn't hit me to do it.
Distance Snapped 50 HP as Nexy said that I should, but I only used it in some areas of 30 HP and none in Minimal because it makes them more challenging. Took the suggestions of PandaCath and Starrodkirby.
Followed more of Nexy's advice, and I fix the clutterness in the 1/4 streams(suggested by Nexy)
Took the advice of Gens, stager, and Nexy, only the first 1/4 stream got replaced by the same rhythm used in the same spot in 30 HP, except that it has a higher distance snap and has jumps.
Edits from blissfulyoshi and Shinxyn.
Beat spacing suggestions from blissfulyoshi in IRC.
al2e10 changes.
lukewarmholiday edits.
SFG's suggestions added in.
More SFG's suggestions over IRC
Echo's suggestions added.
Zekira timing and fixed a bad slider Larto noted out.