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still my most favorite map of all timestill can't pass extra diff tho ffs
nah you got this i believe in you B)
i set Lunatic +DT fc as my osu lifetime goal when i was like 6 digitafter i did it it my improvement went downhillset higher goals guysThe map is fucking great
Приятно играется и с модами и без модов. Goood song. Ty for this map
я настолько плохо знаю свой родной язык, что мне проще писать на двух языках...
Forum :flushed:
skill issue
just ss'd this map
Imagine playing this map 10 years ago
This map was ahead of its time tbh
rip aimbotcone
5'4 National anthem
top diff fun map, the last patterns fked me up though
extra diff 5miss
not a good acc though
one of the most enjoyable plays for me honestly :)
plays like a modern map even tho its from 2013 i fucking love this map
nevermind i just embraced by the flame'd the ending this map sucks
First 200 pp...! sadly I choke, but I can fix it later
yo confio en ti
Gracias, te quiero man T-T
nice avatar
thanks lmao my brother mocked me for this
mhm rafis
Rafis wtf
varvalian 😳
first 200pp Pog
aetrna is back
Oh yeah, this map is goood
shut up toco toco
This is one of the most fun maps ive played
Too hard for its star rating
tbh much easier than other modern maps
Btw it’s a rhythm game
this song sounds epic
always has been
Rafis sliderbreak :(
Cookiezi HD+DT Choke 532pp (570 if fc) 97.36% 1371/1456 40x 100 1x Miss
tfw 1x miss hr
inb4 gayz hddt fc
Cookiezi DT !! :O
Всем привет
gg HDHR 8k peppy points
I think lunatic is the best - ̭ -
Awesome extra underrated.
Awesome beatmap.
I love the 東方Project♡
Such an epic map, good job there :D
I like this map~~~>_<