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Tycani my fav mapper
Finally FCedThis map is so fun <3
All i know is that DnB map are the best.
played top diff, pretty fun mapmaybe i can't hit the jumps in the chorus but it has epic hitsounds so im a fan
big drum cool!!
if i mapped std i would slap that shit on every map
1v1 me on rust
my ps3 sadly disappeared
i cant snipe anyways dont worry :)
do it no balls i have mw2 installed and ready to go
finally somebody mapped this song! thank you <3
the regular version has been ranked for a long time
Wtf i love this map !!!!!!!!
I love JayBone's Hard <3
Minecraft PvP Highlights.mp4
matrix and futurebound dont miss
alll these fearrrs
Congrats on ranked! I wanted this song on osu!
theres already an older ranked map of this bruh
I'm meaning this mix
who is tycani i dont know him
dan wh
Tycani's new farmable map,LET'S GO
Gg qualif <3
this is a bop and good mapping, new farm incoming
I'm not sure it's quite farm, but I appreciate the sentiment nonetheless ^^