Raphlesia / BilliumMoto
DeviousPanda / Mao / Realazy
Background by Mika
Storyboard by Mao & Noffy
Video by NoffyElite Mapper II: Electric Boogaloo
it begins with the story of mao, a young man looking for love (normal diff)
who then finds a handsome british tiger, who starts getting along with him and they start dating (hard diff)
later on, mao founds out that this devil he fell in love with has been cheating on him with a french gentleman (insane)
the story then switches on to focus on the british man and his hardships, and how it was too hard for him to betray his original love (mao), but he was so weirdly attracted to this new charming person who came in his life (expert)
they all end up together somehow (top diff)