You know they say, "she sells sea shells by the sea shore. The shells she sells are seashells, I'm sure. For if she sells sea shells by the seashore, then I'm sure she sells seashore shells." Just what she wants you to think. Her shells, are 300 a piece.
Now I'm fine with a bit of grease on the streets but lady come on you're on the beach! 300's a reach for some mullosk debris, wouldn't you agree? Geez. Now I didn't wanna say this. Call me an ignoramous but I wasted some of my wages on one of these famous carapaces and I'm frustrated. It is a disgrace. A piece of basic low-grade cheap tack. I dropped 3 benjamins on a second-rate- no- third- no- eighth-rate knick-knack.
Look, I'm a little livid. I understand she's tryna make a living but there's a limit so listen, riddle me this: see, I recall my visit vividly. I was visibly timid in the beginning I'll admit it cause her ability to belittle my belittle-ability, it crippled me. I was under duress, quite stressed, feeling pains in my chest and yet, still impressed by her zest. Now don't get me wrong, she's the worst, she's not worth dirt nor the worms that squirm in it but I worship her way with words it works and what's worse, I wasn't the first to be coerced, no.
There's a long line of poor guys that have been robbed blind by this mastermind of the seashell-selling kind and well, can ya blame em? She's good- really good- too good. But there's something more, I'd like to underscore. You wouldn't expect customers galore at her seashell sea shore no, good lord! you'd expect uproar!
And yet, that's not what we're seeing. She's got return buyers. She's not just some sort of seashell-selling highflier. She's some sort of sleazy, shady, shifty seashore- sorry- seashell supplier, but why her? Well, the folks that keep coming back, they look weak, unkempt, and pasty, like an impatient painter painted pain on their faces, good gracious!
I... they're addicted, but to what? Blowin' their hard-earned dough? No! So, she doesn't sell seashells by the sea shore, she's by the sea shore, sure, but she's not selling sea shells. The shells that she's selling are-