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I love you man, thank you.
oh my god
no have braziian
Hi i am BR meu amigo
mi dios
Link for corruption http://bloodcat.com/osu/s/9...
How the heck does a beatmap download get corrupted while being supposedly unmodified? Seems like it just got corrupted between release and 2 years ago. Oh well.
Oie zhy 7w7
Beatmap's file is corrupted
Thanks, helped a lot
Yes! Do it.
Anyone have a proper download of this?
EDIT: IM literally on missing this beatmap and its driving me nuts
Love the kotsu kotsu kotsu part <3
beat map corrupted?
Download actually doesn't work :'( Why ?
like this song \ (*3*) /
yaaay~ I like this song~ ^u^
Baka xD
and Test
and sumoning