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ok vaxei
this shi make me got 16x attempt at last diff
man this map is good
how tf the extreme diff is ranked... that ultra high speed slider tough as nails bro...
thats the fun part
this is what Sion on my team does
this map eaten my mousepad until my hand was floating
Those sliders are a violation.
Kinda wondering how the top diff could get ranked but I'm not complaining
taiko convert players HATE him!click here to see how he made them mald in under 15 seconds
love him*
x100 sv is beautiful
Lets fucking goooo, finally, congrats on ranked!
furry cannon
surprised the extreme diff wasnt buffed more its rlly fun tho
ENCRYPTED description .,.,.,, wtf!?!
i like the name of the last diff))
BG source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/68510041
bro, about the Another difficulty... this is a 4.96 map, what the heck are jumpstream doing in there?? also the part at 70% is hard to even pass (i was FCing until then), the sliderstream is a killer, really huge diff spike I hate it
we call that skill issue here
skill issue
the maps are good and fun, and the song is a banger, but it's SOOO lame to have to go in the Editor because the map just goes crazy
you don't have to do that if you can play
sU ehtsis ?゚、? o?ll?ehリ?odla ?tuy ? ram.pI ゥ?hpl soti ピuleda l siゥ?
What is this description?????
cool song !
I currently hold the first 6 mod and 1 first pass on the top diff >:} yall cant beat me
wow that is crazy
Godlike player wtf
not pass cus of NF
you are WRONG and DUMB... he passed it!! you cant submit scores unless you actually pass it! obviously he has a score.... smh...learn the game....
why the fuck is silence mapped as 1/4 for fucks sAAAAAAAAAAAAAKEEEEEEEEEE