My 1st Beatmap for rank (2nd submitted).
Mapset Complete:
Standard diffs: DoneEasy: Done by
XinelyNormal: Done by me
Hard: Done by me
2nd Hard: Done by
DarksonicInsane: Done by
Natsu2nd Insane: Done by
SatenTaiko diffs: DoneTaiko Muzukashii: Done by
whostheboxTaiko Oni: Done by whosthebox
CTB diffs: Done.CTB Salad: Done by
newtoniorock8CTB Rain: Done by me
o!m diffs: Done.o!m 4K Easy: Done by
Entozero!m 7K Insane: Done by Entozer
Special Thansk to:Kuria for Skin, Video and some other stuff.
Love for some timing help.
Gero for help with hitsounds.
Xinely, whosthebox, Entozer, newtoniorock8, Natsu, Saten and Darksonic for their guest diffs.
All Modders (I know, it's painful mod so many diffs x.x).
12 diffs. Bubble and stuff log:
Bubble by
Frostmourne: 8-june-2013
Popped and re-bubbled by
eldnl: 8-june-2013
Ranked by
Kurai: 9-june-2013
Un-ranked by
Makar: 10-june-2013
CtB diffs checked by
eldnl &
Deif: 14-july-2013
Mania diffs checked by
chonicle: 14-july-2013
Taiko diffs checked by
OnosakiHito: 15-july-2013
General check by
mancuso_JM_: 16-july-2013
Bubble by
mancuso_JM_: 19-july-2013
Self popped & re-bubbled by
eldnl: 20-july-2013
popped by
mancuso_JM_: 29-luly-2013
Re-bubbled by
Loctav: 01-Aug-2013
Re-Ranked by
mancuso_JM_: 01-Aug-2013
Re-Ranked. Thanks everyone <3. Hope you enjoy it!
Mapset history:
Spanish version English versionI don't speak more languages, so don't expect other versions
