Right before the countdown to the song begins, you'll be asked, "Are You Ready?" The answer is "no."
This is hardcore stuff here, pal. You're not cheering on a student trying to study for his exam, or a doctor trying to fix a microwave. You're cheering on warriors of metal, fighting hard, fighting on for the steel, through the wastelands evermore. Do you really have what it takes? I don't think so.
I've even set all the sliders to the default Normal settings, and this level still gets 5 stars. Why? Because it's just that bloody hardcore, mate. This is the very definition of hot-blooded rhythm soul. This is Osu Hero 3: Legends of Ouendan.
So go sit in a corner and wait until I release Normal mode. Or, if you do decide to try this out, don't say I didn't warn you.