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future diff kinda weird, but still cool
Bg art looks like Shenhe
Oh and also music rocks
fun map to play
Fun fact: it's pronounced sai-ay-gah
inarguably best sv ranked map ever
yow draftnell what hppn to you sambadehh tell mee
omg u still alive! im ur big fan!
what happened to draftnell
well long story :p
vamo chile
One of the best song I've ever heard. Nice map too!
DnM's Apocalypse diff pattern's start time is delayed;;;
Good song, bad map
last diff is amazing
first ss moment
ET Moment
Wehh should to hype
i love you
wow, this is on popular beatmaps list now, nicee
Music producers will know the voice sample is from KSHMR pack ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
God damn thx bro
many things changed but still uwu
been waiting so long. finally ranked
love this map
permisi a b c to a b c i c
arcaea gay
said someone with saya avatar smh
reported for being wrong
DnM's diff feels forcedBad
half of your maps feel forced bruh
he is just joking. we are best friend in real life ^^
congrats on ranked finally!!!
Congrats to Draftnell for the beatmap that finally ranked, been waiting this for a long time... :)
Congratz! but the top diff seems to be nerfed a lot :( Especially the SVs that are still in Future but disappeared in Apocalypse...
we are gayy
gay together (no
we never used the same sv from the first place
just bcs it feels most obvious when playing two diffs one after another. I have also noticed other nerfs, but anyways it is excellent overall.
I love you dnm
Congratulations for finally ranked! Been playing this map already since June XD.
Tq for wait and support ❤️
jakads is sleeping xD
It's Finally Ranked! :D
My First Ranked GD www
WoW Rankedddddd
WoW tHis mAp iS sO foRcEdi doNt eXPect anYthinG diffEreNt thOUGHHHH
Bakal ad yg ke effect ini 😂
Kalem lur w cuma ngeledek org yg komen kaya gitu xixixi
nice, ranked now!! o_ O
ahhh, sh*t......
Last diff like a sh*t 🤭👌
salah woi yang bener lanjutannya,here we go again
mine soon
Waitingg ~~
o... owo
yo ma dude, the last diff needs a nerf...
WoW this map is so forcedi dont expect anything different thoUGHHHH
define word "forced" please,...awkowakokwaoakw
Hey, this is epic