You could've used some of that time to ensure the map is at least playable on HD HR mods, given the optimal bpm, instead of having to memorize parts just to not miss.
genus of flowering plants in the Theaceae family - run or travel somewhere in a great hurry with caution and surreptitious movement [drive or work to exhaustion]
Hi! I voted 1 this time for various reasons. The beginning is super boring. The SVs don't add anything to the mapset in my opinion. It doesn't make it harder, it doesn't make it more fun. kdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkd is neither fun nor engaging. I believe something is fundamentally wrong with 04:03:670 - . Either its not snapped correctly, or the barline should be moved to it. Finally, I believe the ending isn't representing the pitch of the music correctly, especially the last few notes.
Thank you for understanding that I vote 1 for reasons.