Kanzen Kankaku Dreamer!!MADlMVアンサイズニアlNO SCAREDlThe BeginningNormal 100% by alacat
Hard 100% by Moway
Taiko 100% by qoot8123
The mod 100% by the modder
The rest is by me

My 4th
MAD beatmap now, also my 3rd and probably my last
ONE OK ROCK map, let see

this time, the theme is from
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann a.k.a
TTTL TTGL, which you all know how epic and GAR that show is, furthermore, covered by the ONE OK ROCK single,
Kanzen Kankaku Dreamer, which will make your day by this song's GAR-ness lol
Actually i have another version of the video too (like summer wars, or some anime compliation), but since i thought that this theme is the most suite with this kind of song imo, so i'm use this

and yeah, OOR + TTGL = epicness.
- favorite this if this is the 2nd OOR song that you hear after you watch or play my Answer is Near map
- that words above is a joke, do it if you like the mapset^^