I don't know if you're still looking for the background, but you can find the map background in your osu folder > songs > (insert beatmap name) folder, and I believe you can use an image upscale tool like waifu 2x to scale to image to your needs. Message me if you have any trouble hope this helps!
ah yes, the good old "it's you who sucks"-reverse card. I'm gonna be completely honest, I had a background of cheating, which is why I was restricted until just recently. But I have been around rank 75k legit before and let me tell ya, I have enough playing experience from the last 5 years, that I can confidently say, that this map has mostly unfun - dare i say it - BAD difficulties.
explanation: I'm having a great time, I had a REALLY good accuracy sightread fc and it was a pretty high pp play so it's really bringing up my accuracy and for the past 2 days I have been trying so hard to ss it and I want to live i want to live i want to live but I will live on so I can fix the damn accuracy
explanation: I'm having a rough time, I had a REALLY bad accuracy sightread fc and it was a pretty high pp play so it's really bringing down my accuracy and for the past 2 days I have been trying so hard to fix it and I want to die i want to die i want to die but I will live on so I can fix the damn accuracy
"Words cannot describe how much I resent Fujiwara Chika, her voice makes me lust for blood more than anything has in my entire life. Every time i hear her high pitched nonsense I just want to pummel her to the ground and completely wipe her off the planet." I want to annihilate her so bad, the absolutely disgusting smile on her face and her retched pink hair makes me want to bash her skull in and make it so she'll never move anything below her neck again. I hate her with every ounce of my living existence. Fuck you Fujiwara Chika.
not everything needs to be super interesting/new, my diff was intended as simple anime as was maffe's.I originally mapped this when it came out cause a friend liked chika from the manga and i wanted to do something nice for them just waited for the drama to die down to rank it. atleast you liked one of the diffs tho as long as you had fun <3