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Pretty satisfying!
not proud of my acc
I'm noob :(
can't fc the star no matter what
Another 122pp Thx
yey new top play thank you
The star jumps on Rendezvous are the bane of my existence.
I breaked my own star/S+ record with that map also thx for 116 pp :)
i neeeddd this backround image plaeaseee
u can go to the osu folder and tahn to songs and then you can search the song. The "bg" is the background
You know the osu folder for the song has the bg
Yes!!! I got it !! Using the "inspect" I found this link: https://assets.ppy.sh/beatmaps/811298/covers/cover.jpg?1542185092and from this image, (with help of google images) I found the original (i think so):https://wx3.sinaimg.cn/large/006jY5DYly1frj33yo49tj31kw0xiu10.jpg
Just cut version but still nice!
sounds good
cut versions of ranked full sizes zzzz