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gooner heaven
we farming this one with 0% bg dim🔥
average anime song osu map bg
sanest osu bg
background sauce?
Brooo 1 note closer on getting the 6 star fc medal :<
nice ass
nice map
nice feet
how did THIS bg make it through ranking wtf
imagine ranking maps with eroge bikini cg backgrounds lol
gardens can pleasure-ful indeed
anime name? pls lol
is this from hentai
eroge game so,,, yes
18 months late but, what game
Himari best grill
this song is not from an anime its from a visual novel called D.S. -Dal Segno-
I downloaded the map for the song. The background isn't even that good you should look at some of other beat map backgrounds.
Straight up bought a $40 game based off a song
LOL, worth
downloading for the bg, gonna beat my pp to anime tiddy and ass
Really love this song.i hope can see someone make a full version of this song!!
Am I the only one who thinks this map is like, completely mapped off-beat? If you play it dt, it definitely doesn't seem matched with the song...
You're not the only one. The map offset is blatantly wrong after its latest update.
try redownloading the map, the mp3 was updated before the latest requalification so that might be why your offsets are strange!
only downloaded for the bg
ame chan best grill
I love this game (Dal segno, not osu! lol)
that backgrounds mmm...
Woah clickbaited
i like this song's title
holy shit i actually nut to that bg every night b4 i sleep
if you don't download this map just for the bg you're obviously gay
Not a Sotarks map I don't download simple
Himari best girl
I see you are a man of culture as well, but i personally prefer Hazuki. :)
It took 2 years for when I got this song to get qualified. Wow that's a long time
these bg's pleasure my garden
You hairy down there tuff manscape lad
lewd title
ame cute
but hey thats gay