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plot twist: 51500212 is the mapper's phone number
top diff easy 7* pass ngl
why jump
how tf is the top diff 7* LUL
pog map
skill issue
man this would be such an easy farm map if it weren't for those stream patterns, cool map anyways!
imagine fcing 5150 with an ibm 5150 keyboard lol
vaxei fc'd this like 2 seconds after me but haha i have the score advantage
this is unironically a pp map. i'm sad, choked 440 pp because of the jumps :/ hopefully i'll get it soon
bro moment
anyone got the bg ? Can you give me plss
you can go into map folder and find the bg
why is the cover upsiede down and the background normal reeeeeeeeeeeeee
Nice Taiko diffs, well done~~
awesome map!
It never ceases to amaze me what QAT deems "quality". That top diff, just what is that?
It's a good map that represents the song well. If you can't play it, get good. It's not the map's fault if you can't play.
you are a guitar
Same lmao even with a choke xd
top diff is cool!
Thanks ❤
-GN best (ez) score
Ya It's Totally Better Than Stoof score B)
I can't believe you lain. I thought we were pals. Now you've turned on me.
Big Bongalo
Can i have a link to the photo please? it looks hella cool
jut open song file then search this song easy as that
Stoof how the fuck?
Clean mapping and nice concepts.Pretty enjoy :3
better than 1-2 jump pp trash
i mean pretty much anything is better than that lol
This difficulty level is 666 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
lol that star rating 6,66
How did the Cigarettes become Oral?
cause i ate them
Top diff = Trash AF
LynxSheep = Trash AF
hey, don't be the same person
my eyes are bleeding
this fuckin map
ez map!;)
top diff hurts my eyes
if you want pp go play nevo mapset lo
agree top dif so trash
reverse 5150
oooo frontier nice
what the fuck
five one five oh
ay grats g \o/
grats g \o/
yes zhu