Credit to those for Japanese lyrics. Translation from 幸せですと言葉で何回言った記憶あるだろう?
shiawase desu to kotoba ade nankai itta kioku arudarou?
How many times did I say I was happy? 言葉にするともどかしい事ばっかりでずっと避けてた
kotoba ni suruto modokashii koto bakakari de zutto saketeta
I've always avoided telling someone these words because it's frustratingただいまってあなたに言う瞬間
tadaima atte anata ni iu shunkan
At the moment when I tell you "I'm home"私は私へと戻れる気がして
watashi wa watashi e to modoreru kiga shite
I can return to my true self強くなる必要なんてない
tsuyoku naru hitsuyou onante nai
It isn't necessary to be strongありのままで輝いてる
arinomama de kagayai teru
I've been shining as my normal self 生まれたときからずっとまっすぐ
umareta toki kara zutto massugu
Since the day I was born変わりたいって願った時もうすでに変わってるんだよ
kawari taitte negatta toki mousudeni kawa tterundayo
When I wanted to change myself, I was already changed教えてくれてありがとう
oshiete kurete arigatou
Thank you for telling me信じたい
I want to believeSignboard:He made me forget who I was up until that dayI feel I could face my true self for the first timeThe girl who he loves hides her true self behind her public faceThank you for everything, Uesugi-kunWhat? Any complaints?I've been your childhood friends for over ten yearsAm I your destined soul mate? I'm blushingYou never told me about the remarriageI've heard a bad rumor about you and womenYou're himI'm pleased to be a classmate of such a great studentI'm homeHe'll fall in love twice this summer.