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dt when
this map should have been ar9.6
feels kinda overmapped like
new pp record one day lolol
we wait
Sky of Twilight
lifeline first real dt pass
why is this map so overrated suddenly lol
shits a classic my man it aint overrated
if something is an old map it cant be overrated? ok man
idk how i got a b rank
low OD, over 200 bpm, low ar equals notelock city
lmao i've notelocked to the same deathstream before the bridge 9 times
I am on crack once again
nice play man
really good song and map love it
7*?? ok but like where is the 7* part
finally a HDHR fc
I love how this map kills your stamina with 30 jumps just to throw you the deathstream
It is a marathon map.
Back when i mapped this the ranking rules for marathon was 6 minutes, if not I would had to map 5 or 6 more diffs, hence I didn't added breaks lmao
Best vibe osu song change my mind
sauce: http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/659969
Best map of the year
but its 2017 map
Then i will prepare a 2022 map
Can't hear circles
The important is to hear the music
Why do you bother hitsounding then ?
imagine sniping HD with HR
varv’s choke on this is still so sad
what a fckn beast
i need the sauce of background
https://twitter.com/i/web/status/545968028106518528 here
Ah late xD
just found out who drawn it https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=102188&type=illust
it's look like Kantoku's art
you can also find a map in game folder and get picture of background there (songs/map name)
https://www.zerochan.net/1764697 only place I could find it. dont know where og was uploaded
"Escha & Logy No Atelier: Tasogare No Sora No Renkinjutsushi" this is the anime that the bg is from, i dont have the image sauce unfortunatelly :/
beasttrollmc fc
itou kanaoko is the best
it's the guy
lel, I still have the very first unfinished "Wings" diff
how did 1550 combo part get ranked?
what's wrong with it? o.o
hello Yaong and Cookiezi :^) o/
:O Don't play.let me 1 rank at this time
omg this is so fast, i love this song, congrats natsu <3
I like that song & mapping.Wow,really nice.Thank you :)
Stairway to heaven has such a different vibe tho ... :(
yeah ofc
yes my friend
There's a lady who's sure All that glitters is gold And she's buying a stairway to heaven...
https://www.youtube.com/wat... big fan
osu! need more Ito Kanako
not k-pop :okhand:
next one c:
i was going to use that bg on another atelier song 👀
hdhr 100% - 799pp owo
more ito kanako