new top play
perfect bro
common L map
bruh thx for 177pp SS DT
map too hard
thx for 157pp
thr girl is pointing where the map starts
thanks for free pp
Just About The Pp
ass map
skill issue
Easy Farm map for Newbie
first 5 stars SS thx
rip 1 sb
ppl really bragging about getting pp xd
57 retrys and ss ez
102 retrys and like 8 99.68%'s to get a DT SS ;v
uhh chopper how tf you above my SS with 2 100s
i didnt have to try hard to fc with 99% acc. litty 150pp
ez 5* ss
thx for 171pp
wow 90%up the First (y)
thanks for 128 PP ^^
Hello pp!
thx for pp
Madoka is really fun to play. Just listening to the song makes me want to watch the anime.. Even it being mecha and all..