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Osu needs moire GOT!
underplayed map
most pp underrated map ever
What a f***ing great map, love it :D Wish u would do more maps from Game of Thrones, like Light of The Seven, etc.
Need Light of the Seven
noice cross screen jumps.
Rip next season might not come out till 2018-19
Worst map ever
Awesome song and even more awesome map. Check this song out, think you guys might like it: https://www.youtube.com/wat... Would make a good map :P
Reminder that Daenerys is a bad character in the show
i think this is my worst ever fc ive gotten Edit: nvm i was just so rusty, i never played this game in months
Interesting timing on the notes with hr but other than that this is a great map and song!
hr doesn't change the timing :D
Aaaah, Lady Olenna ASHLFJJSKH <3
osu! need more GOT!
not really, but i'd like to see more GOT
I couldn't predict this comment.
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im gay and i dont understand it.
Favorited 0 times in total. UTC-5 October 17th, 2017 11:22PM
fixed it Favourited 1 time in total (Remove from favourites!) Users that love this map: TheKoala
ayy finally did it :D