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Гойда гойда гойда гойда
Fun fact: "Karen" is actually Itsuki Yui, who is the main vocal of Yousei Teikoku.
Coito 7v7
this map is really fun even tho its long
Anime ?
My head is fucked... Koi to Koi to Koi to
Bhakkk, same me to lmao
have I been here yet to say something about charlotte? idk
1 year ago I can't even play this map lmao
and now I'm still sucks
i think you need a new finger
fakking minijack map from draftnell = =
rip xddd
koi to koi to koi to :D fun LN map
hope this VN gets on steam one day
but u can buy it on the officiall loll
but i like centralized management system (steam) for my VNs , is there english translation for official? would buy that
when 1 years has pass lmaoo
Dapnel uwu