thanks for the free 102pp
я автору руки целовал
thx for free top play + 111pp i appreciate it
thanks for the free 111pp lol
I got an 111pp play with DT and HD
one of boss in noob village lol
I got an 102pp play!!!
thanks for 93pp
какие то неожиданные 100пп поставил, спс за дт фармилку
thanks for 111pp
okay... thank you for the easiest 100pp in my life.
como que isso é ranqueado pqpKKKKKK
+15k ranks and top score yay!
yayy my first ankle breaker
yay my first 100pp score coco
free pp
first try ss 110 pp
I feel ashamed for playing this map
this was my first 100pp :D i did it 1st try randomly
first 4* clear and fc lol(if Marshmary HT doesn't count)
first 100pp lol
ez 110 pp
ty for first 100pp score
first 100 pp ezzzzzzzz
This finally out my top 5 after 5 months 🙏🙏
i got my first 2 100s in a span of 15 minutes
first 100 thx
My first 41 pp play tysm
Currently I have six 100pp plays, and this on Heaven difficulty DT was the easiest by far!
rank uplifting orchestral
1st 100 with DT, 110 choke with HDDT for slider break.
choke 198pp with 1 100, 447 try xdf
Impressive AR11.
if I did 110 pp SS HD DT 2 years before on my 30 hz grey laptop, everyone can. ( cursed map btw)
my bp1-3 are all from this set lol
i got 14pp for silver SS with HD and DT :(
truly a masterpiece
thx for first 100pp!
thx for 100pp)
my first 110pp #13k place gz
top 489 on hard lol and first 100pp on heaven
finally my first 100pp, very emotionally uplifting!
wtf #1 afghanistan
congrats!!! <3
my first 100pp