Merami just fced ascension to heaven dt? Yknow what, if it was anyone else I would think you're fucking stupid. Alright but if its merami part of me actually kinda believes it dude.... did he actually do it? ......................... Do I even have the old one?.....WHAAAT THE FUUUUUCK?!?!?!? THIS IS FUCKED! THIS IS ACTUALLY FUCKED! ARE YOU SEEING THIS SHIT? THESE ARE FUCKING D RANKS! THESE ARE DS AND CS. HOW!?!?!?!? ....... I'm sorry bro. Whitecat I'll be able to destroy. This guy? Not so much........ He's not even spamming the sliders, he's actually tapping to them!...... oh my GOD. LOOK AT THIS UNSTABLE RATE!! IT'S SO CLEAN! ......... Wha-ha-ha. gasps WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT???? NO. NO. STOP. THIS ISN'T REAL. NO. NOO- slams desk gasps haha-ha-HOHOHO... HE'S OVERSTREAMING!!!!!!!! No-hohoho, no, no, no, no. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I dont even give a fuck that he started doubletapping at the end dude! I do not give a single fucking shit. THIS SHOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE. THIS. SHOULD NOT. BE. POSSIBLE. This is FUCKED. This is SO STUPID. NO. This isn't real dude, no. What?!
So one thing that's hard to communicate visually about this game is the speed, strain, and accuracy. There's a reason why everyone shares clips of jump maps on TikTok. You'll literally see clips of people hitting like 6-star jumps, and people are like, 'Wow, that's crazy!' Most people who try doing this end up with their hands falling apart, like they have Parkinson's.
Merami just fced ascension to heaven dt? Yknow what, if it was anyone else I would think you're fucking stupid. Alright but if its merami part of me actually kinda believes it dude.... did he actually do it? ......................... Do I even have the old one?.....WHAAAT THE FUUUUUCK?!?!?!? THIS IS FUCKED! THIS IS ACTUALLY FUCKED! ARE YOU SEEING THIS SHIT? THESE ARE FUCKING D RANKS! THESE ARE DS AND CS. HOW!?!?!?!? ....... I'm sorry bro. Whitecat I'll be able to destroy. This guy? Not so much........ He's not even spamming the sliders, he's actually tapping to them!...... oh my GOD. LOOK AT THIS UNSTABLE RATE!! IT'S SO CLEAN! ......... Wha-ha-ha. gasps WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT???? NO. NO. STOP. THIS ISN'T REAL. NO. NOO- slams deskgasps haha-ha-HOHOHO... HE'S OVERSTREAMING!!!!!!!! No-hohoho, no, no, no, no. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I dont even give a fuck that he started doubletapping at the end dude! I do not give a single fucking shit. THIS SHOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE. THIS. SHOULD NOT. BE. POSSIBLE. This is FUCKED. This is SO STUPID. NO. This isn't real dude, no. What?!