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shit bg
really good
I don't like that LGBT stuff but I could fap to yuri
thanks xulitol
what anime is this?
izetta the last witch
Ummm....is this yuri?
osu needs more akino :)
Izi fc
I love that map, I love the song and at last but not least I love the series.
omg thank u for this im ded
Ultra has some very cool elements in it. Nice job :)
best animu 2k16 ;3
Izetta kissing someone else who's not me ? Not possible she's my waifuu :3
Love the background, they literally cross the line. :ok_hand:
overused tatoe memes aside, this anime is hella good
this death is hella hentai ;)
After some ages, AKINO with bless4 has gotten back to osu (no more tatoe) lol congrats
no Doormat's extra ;(
no pp edition
Shouting wa~ankerrrrr in my brain wtf played too much
lewd bg
Should be DQ'd because you didn't credit Mazzerin for the Ultra diff :^)
What a lame comment Duskyui.
I feel insulted by your comment. Not fun at all. Who the fk need to copy others idea on mapping spaced streams?
Sorry if that crossed the line :(
I love this opening *<*
No Need!
AKINO with bless4
you know what this means
Ultra: me | Extra 1: Lasse | Extra 2: Kibbleru | Extra 3: HabiHolic
Insane: Misure | Hard: Doormat | Normal: Little | Easy: Hey lululu & me
Ultra by Karen, if you can't pass, blame him xd
my first
nice SAO bg
i love u
First set with 1920*1200 BG. New era has come!
My deetz size is also 1920x1200 Pixels
First DQed 1200P set :/