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free taiko pp
rip gang
Me: watches the pv Also me: Rushes to vocaloid wiki to look at meanings of the song
cool map!! R.I.P wowaka <3
Nice map!
What could i do if record didn't update
i dont know what's wrong with it, but for whatever reason the mp3 doesn't get read by Osu for me, so if i try to play it i get no music, just hitbox sounds. any idea how to fix this?
It fixed itself. somehow. i dunno why or how. wierd glitch i suppose
Why does it sound so familiar to me but the title doen't seem actually familiar :/
Very likeluy because of Project Diva F
i dont know this song
This Beatmap is for Noobs.
I don't see you on the leader board now do I?
ahahahahh you're the noob here
love this song ><
I love this song :3