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how is this ranked
HoW iS tHiS rAnKeD
the fact that you could've just looked past the comment and realize that this is a reference to grindiee's post four years ago makes you look like a massive WideGa :|
horrible shit
What is that anime?
if you read the tags it's from an eroge, so none. はにかみCLOVER
Great song
What VN is this?
No hit sounds for half of the map. Do you really want people to hear the song that much? 0/10
this map sucks
ez DT eroge for the erogemaster225 LUL
I <3 6* TV size maps
I <3 whining boys
that's hot
800 pp inc for hvick
The timming is bad in this beatmap pls fix it
??? where the video??? :^)
Yeah, this map is completely unrankable without the video :^)
Eroge for the lord Erovick
I love lolis
theres not even any lolis in this game
Makina~ (at least compared to the other girls)
you're not looking hard enough
shut up girl