Hi guys! I'm Mastermagister. I Love this game,Do not take it as a 'challenge' as almost the entire community. I take it as a meeting point, where do wondeful, as I have done. I love Osu! I love this community and I have no intention of leaving, but to support it and help it grow in the best way. So, let's go!
During my game, I realized that no matter how you play, how you play and what are the goals to be achieved. The important thing is to have fun with the whole community and grow their skills together. I think osu! is the best community I've ever attended. See you in game!
Più ti avvicini alla luce.. più grande diventa la tua ombra.
Non conta quanti anni hai vissuto, ma come li hai vissuti. -I'm a hero.
And remember, all of you. As long as the lolis exist in the world, the world will be safe.