History: Past: 2nd place OIC#3 4th place OIDC#3 (with umii, TEAM PANCHINARI) Partecipated in OWC 2015 and 2016
2020: 2nd place o!SBT 2nd place IHT 5.0 Team Italy (Surpy, Arge, SIMONETRAPANI, [ Mere ], Kayne) (congrats to Leftoverss United States for the win!) QF Loser Bracket (Lost by default) Izzay's osu!Tournament 2 (with Surpy and Arge, team Snowflakes fluttering as north wind whistling) (enlightening experience) Semifinals (Loser Bracket) Chaotix's Summer Cup (1v1) (Lost by EbisuzawaKurumi in Winner) (Lost by Akane Hime in Loser) Didn't Qualify Corsace Open 2020 (team pooey with hammytr, MakiDonalds, Haftbefehl, Arge, AitorAmu, Polaco, RivenXLukario) Quarterfinals Loser Bracket 4WC Team Italy (Kiirochii (c), Kayne, [ Mere ], Surpy, Condizionatore, Wonder, SIMONETRAPANI) Tournament Ended osu! Italian Regional Cup (Team Lazio with SIMONETRAPANI, Amabsu, rflood, MarshNello) 1st place!!! Kahli's Summer Melee (2v2, team pain with Ancenthe, temka na and Markrum) (first international team!!!) Loser Bracket RO32 Saika's Autumn Tournament (1v1) Semifinals Loser Bracket Fine Lady Cup 2 (1v1)(Lost to temka na, really good match) Semifinals (LB) Full Technical Tournament 2 4v4 (ZHIZHA PEZDA with TESTER PIVKA(c), 11dvaN00lya, temka na, lKepler, Kinoro, netwhynot, Delete) (team was really good, figured out that gimmick maps are not my thing, ggwp) 1st place!!! Chaotix's Winter Trios (osu true pain with temka na, Markrum, Surpy, ign) (MY BEST PERFORMANCE ON GRAND FINALS EVER.)
2021: Loser Finals Brazilian Draft Cup 2 (Team time do nisan with Mystia(c), Chrystian, speed, Flow-, MakiDonalds) (i love these guys, really good experience) Top 6 The Perennial (Team Woofer Troopers with Yumemi Riamu(c), Ancenthe, Haadez, Ataraksia, Felrion, [ Blue ], scylla) (insane run, sad that i didn't play last 2 matches because of irl stuff, beastmode team)