osu! Standard Ranking (Score): #1 osu! Standard Ranking (PPV1): #18 - (PPV2): #432 Mapper Ranking: #1 Country Ranking: #1 Kudosu Ranking: #1 BAT Ranking: #1 11 Years in Top 10 on Score Ranking. I reached Top 10 the 27/03/09. Lost it one day during 2020. 367 Ranked/Approved/Loved Personal Beatmaps. 117 Ranked/Approved/Loved Guest Difficulties. 484 Ranked/Approved/Loved Beatmaps in Total. #1 on Score Ranking since 22/04/13. (GGBY took me the lead away on 11/05/14) #1 Italian on Score Ranking for 12 Years. (2009 -> 2021) #1 Italian Player to reach osu! Standard Score Rank: #13 to #1. #1 Italian and #2 World Player to reach 10,000 SS Ranks. #1 Italian and #2 World Mapper that has reached 100 Ranked Beatmaps. #1 Italian and #3 World Player to reach Lv103. #1 Mapper in the World that has reached 200 Ranked Beatmaps. #1 Modder in the World that has reached 1000 & 2000 & 3000 Kudosu. #1 on Kudosu Ranking for 6 Years or more. Lost this record the 16/12/2018 (I blame new kudosu system) #1 on BAT Ranking with 80+ Maps Modded & 20+ Maps Ranked. #1 and only BAT that has Ranked more than 1000 Beatmaps. #2 User with the highest Postcount. (Only peppy is above me!) #2 Player to reach 100b Ranked Score. (07/10/2014) #8 Player to reach 200b Ranked Score. (12/10/2019) Best Accuracy so far (Ranked Score): 99.80% Best Accuracy so far (PPv1): 99.80% - (PPv2): 99.77% Best Level so far (osu! Standard): Lv105. Lv105 with the lowest Playcount. Reached 16,000 SS Ranks. (14/10/2019) BAT that has ranked the most Beatmaps. Player which SS'd the most Marathon Beatmaps. Mapper with the most Ranked Beatmaps. Modder with the highest Kudosu Number. Player with more than 100.000 Replays Watched.