recently I remove some of my old friends who is not active and not so close due to reach friend limit, but if you want me to re-add I would do! フレンド登録数が250人に達しちゃったので年単位でログインしてない人とか相互外しちゃってますけどもっかい追加してほしい場合はお声がけください~
currently aiming for: - farming SS to 10000 - convert HR - 9 (~9.4 i guess) DT
monitor: acer KG241Q P resolution: 1920x1080 (finally 144Hz)
Skin: it can't be distributed cuz i'm using an image which is restricted redistribution for catcher(fruit-ryuuta.png) sry but my skin is based on ExGon's one (fruits images are same as his one)
japanese players who are close to me: rullu: めちゃめちゃ頑張って取った初めてのCTBの1位を10分で奪うドS たくさん叩かれておかげでこんなに伸びました uppia: the most cuuuuuute and lovelyyyyyy person i've ever seen noraRcat: キチガイ Furely: メンヘラ
spin players i respect (i can't beat at all): ExGon mjj741 King Deceitful jongwon12 Jimmy Rustler Broken RAMPAGE88
my ctb teacher: Shenyin: when i was intersted in ctb he taught how ctb is fun. i always thank him darkpan: i learned getting good spin is fun by multi with him!