Im not an activ player anymore. If you wanna stay in contact, add me on discord or steam. Just tell me you came from osu. I love to meet new people, so feel free to add me even if we never talked.
Discord: Kateusus Steam: Kateusus
Ich bin nicht mehr aktiv in Osu. Solltest du kontakt mit mir halten wollen kannst du mich auf Discord oder Steam hinzufügen. Sag mir bitte nur woher wir uns kennen. Ich freue mich immer neue Leute kennenzulernen. Also selbst wenn du mich nicht kennst, schreib mir ruhig.
About me
Im a 28 years old guy from germany. My live is mostly work and my hobbies, so i dont have much time for sleep. Four to six hours must be enough xD You should know i love anime and gaming. I have a lot of games and watched nearly the same number of anime. Also i build my PCs by myself. At the moment there a six i think. Maybe i forgot one or two. So you see im a nerd. As me as a person, im a nice guy but i think about things a bit diffrent than others. You will find out if you know me better.