My first beatmap. The song is "The Ark", the theme of the Pure Dark fifth stage of the same name in Shadow the Hedgehog. It is a remix of "Highway in the Sky ...Final Rush" from Sonic Adventure 2. This beatmap includes Easy, Normal, and Hard difficulties.
10/03/13 - Major changes to Hard and Easy. Reduced slider speed on Hard. Applied
DakeDekaane's mod.
9/02/13 - Minor tweaks to Hard.
8/23/13 - Major changes in beat placement and slider speed to Hard. Minor tweaks to Normal.
8/01/13 - Minor tweaks to Easy and Hard.
7/20/13 - Removed custom arrows. Applied
Alarido's mod.
7/18/13 - Slight tweak to Hard. Applied
HelloSCV's mod.
7/14/13 - Miscellaneous changes to Easy and Hard. Applied
Sieg's mod.
7/01/13 - Major tweaks to Hard difficulty.
7/01/13 - Major changes to all difficulties. Applied
Sey's mod.
6/22/13 -Slight tweaks to Hard. Major Beat and Slider changes to Normal. Increased slider speed during Normal's Kiai times to match the other difficulties & reworked both Kiai times entirely.
6/20/13 - Applied
Heanday's mod.
6/16/13 - Minor Beat and Slider placement and shape tweaks to Normal and Hard.
6/03/13 - Applied
biwako's mod.
6/01/13 - Applied
Cherry Blossom's mod.
5/29/13 - Miscellaneous changes to all difficulties. Applied
CDFA's mod.
5/23/13 - 5/24/13 - Major changes to Hard; several adjustments to Easy and Normal. Modified combo colors. Removed the countdown.
5/07/13 - Significant adjustments to all difficulties. Applied
Zero__wind's mod.
5/03/13 - Miscellaneous adjustments to all difficulties.
4/22/13 - Changed the size of the Pass/Fail graphics. Misc tweaks to Normal.
4/11/13 - Reduced hitsound volume for all difficulties.
Pre-4/6/13 - Experimental changes and adjustments to Hard.
3/19/13 - Miscellaneous fixes and adjustments to all difficulties.
3/11/13 - Miscellaneous fixes and adjustments to Hard and Normal.
2/27/13 - Hard mode added. Moved to Pending.
Pre-2/27/13- Release. Easy and Normal difficulties.