My First Beatmap!(Meu Primeiro Beatmap) (update:30/10/2013)
Mod is very helpful!(Mods me ajudariam muito)
Very Thanks for all mods! especially
Happy30,Irreversible! and
Bg:100% finish
Easy:100% finish
Hard:100% finish
Beatmap finish!
Update30/10/2013 - was improved mapping the hard and normal difficulty
24/10/2013 - fix hit sounds errors in all levels
09/10/2013 - fix hit sounds errors in all levels
06/10/2013 - finish remap
08/09/2013 - were remap hard
22/08/2013 - were applied mods of happy30 and Leader! thanks by mod!
18/08/2013 - mods some were applied! Thanks for mods Irreversible and Tira! s2 >u<
16/08/2013 - Change stack latiency of diffs Insane and Hard for 0.7 and correct bug in slid hit sound
15/08/2013 - Change Artist change Sourcer (oh godness the artist was wrong for one year O>O)
14/08/2013 - Correction mapping correction hit sounds BG exchange change Title and change hit sounds at all levels! ready for ranking
11/08/2013 - Update beatmap map and change BG and finish mapping of normal
01/08/2013 - change name be mapper
31/07/2013 - it takes time for guest diff was removed
30/07/2013 - was corrected almost all hits sounds and mapping Hard dif
28/07/2013 - was corrected almost all hits sounds and mapping and add guest dif
01/07/2013 - was corrected almost all hits sounds and mapping
23/06/2013 - was corrected almost all hits sounds and mapping
03/06/2013 - was corrected errors distance snap / was fixed some hits sounds/was added over time to the beginning
30/05/2013 - was corrected almost all hits sounds
29/05/2013 - was corrected almost all hits sounds!