Lyrics in english: - - Mods - - -
10/19/10 - mods applied: wmfchris / Joon / IceBeam
11/02/10 - all mods applied: Sekuy
11/12/10 - Added Diff -> Magicphoenix's Life
11/24/10 - Jagang's & MusicBoX' Collab updated
11/25/10 - Jagang's & MusicBoX' Collab updated AND ErufenRito's, Ignacio Mods mostly applied (some of MoonShades, too). Storyboard- and timingcorrections
11/26/10 - narakucrimson mods~
12/03/10 - Vass_Bass mods applied
12/17/10 - mods applied. wmfchris
01/03/11 - ((Happy New Year!)) Thanks for stars and mods, yet. Epilepsy Warning is displayed.
01/16/11 - Keksi Mods done. :3
01/18/11 - KillerRind Mods done~ ( 20 SP yet, thanks so much! :'3 ) + Xeno32's Mods applied
01/20/11 - Tenshi-nyan Mods (Not sure about taking out Magic's Diff)
02/02/11 - DragonSparta's Mods done
03/04/11 - Orioncomet Mods
08/09/11 - Revival of map by Alace
06/20/16 - Reanimation! After 5 years, risen from the dead! :U
06/20/16 - Minor changes, including colors and common fixes
07/11/16 - Updated all old slidertracks to new ones
07/11/16 - Neil Leos Mods + AiMod
10/09/16 - Very minor changes