Edit1 10/06/2008:My first beatmap
Edit2 10/07/2008:Make hard rym more wide
correct some mistake
countdown change to double time
Edit3 10/07/2008:big change,hard mode get more slider,spinner
Edit4 10/07/2008:insane bpm change to 125,all note have reset,used grid snap
Edit5 10/07/2008:Hard bpm change to 125,reset note
countdown back to normal speed,grid snap
Edit6 10/07/2008:Hard offset change to 9976 ,distance some note
Insane offest change to 9976,sound right note
Edit7 10/08/2008:Snap 1/2 ,slider reset
Edit8 10/08/2008:Hard change to Normal, Insane to Hard
Edit9 10/09/2008:beatspacing normal and hard,fix slider beat
Edit10 10/11/2008:beat fix (hard)
Edit11 10/12/2008:sound effect (normal)
Edit12 10/12/2008:sound effect,more harder(hard)
Edit13 10/12/2008:add video (hard and normal)
change hard setting
sound effect,little beat problem fix(hard)
Edit14 10/13/2008:fix double break
sound fix
spacing fix
lower over all difficulty(hard)
delete some note add 2 spinner
Edit15 10/13/2008:fix all
Edit16 10/14/2008:Sync video
fix james problems
Edit17 10/15/2008:add insane
james beat us all
Edit18 10/16/2008:remove insane
Edit19 10/16/2008:add james!
Edit20 10/17/2008:update James
Edit21 10/20/2008:color change