
Rita - Distant Promise

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on mercoledì 25 gennaio 2012 at 11:17:31

Artist: Rita
Title: Distant Promise
Source: Shinigami no Kiss Wa Wakare no aji
BPM: 180
Filesize: 5665kb
Play Time: 02:41
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2,85 stars, 188 notes)
  2. Hard (4,74 stars, 385 notes)
  3. Insane (5 stars, 662 notes)
  4. Normal (4,24 stars, 255 notes)
Download: Rita - Distant Promise
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Insane. Done
Normal. Done
Easy. Done
Hard. Done

Timing and .mp3 file taken from: s/21801 Thanks.
Ready for mod (:
Aw yeah.
Kira Gaoow
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fagioli (?)
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Moved to pending, ready for mod.
Non sono bravo a moddare ma ecco qua come mi hai chiesto ;D


00:08:405 (5,6) -
Spostali di un grid a sinistra premento ALT ,per farli simmetrici
01:02:738 (6) - elimina e fai partire lo spinner da qui facendolo finire sempre 01:02:738
01:11:071 (4) - rimuovi new combo
01:11:405 (1) - new combo
01:13:738 (1) - rimuovi new combo
02:17:405 (6) - elimina e fai partire lo spinner da qui sfacendolo finire 02:18:071
02:26:071 (1) - rimuovi new combo e aggiungilo su 02:25:738 (4) -
02:28:405 (1) - rimuovi new combo
03:16:405 - elimina il kiai a fine mappa


La rinominerei Normal semplicemente

02:39:737 (3,4) - li metterei cosi
elimina il kiai a fine mappa


00:08:738 (2) - curva questo slider come questi 00:07:071 (3,4) -
00:19:571 (1) - click DX su
00:44:238 (3) - mettilo più o meno cosi e sistemi spacing su 00:44:738 (4) -
01:58:904 (3) - ^


Avrei messo AR9 (Low AR is gay.cit)

00:10:238 (4) - spacing
00:30:571 (6) - raddrizzalo cosi

Buona fortuna bro :V
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Updated ty ~
may i make taiko diff ?
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I don't need a taiko Diff sorry ;_; Thank you anyways
i see xd

*Spiegami perchè CAVOLO hai quasi -1000ms come OFFSET. Correggi, plz.


Elimina le sezioni verdi dopo che la mappa finisce, stessa robaccia nella normal.


01:05:405 (1,2,3,4) - streams come questi (e quindi anche quelli successivi) seguono il ritmo ma considerando la facilità di questa hard sono leggermente fuori luogo. Considera di sostituirili o con un repeat 1/4 bpm lungo oppure con tre hitcircle distanziati di 1/2

FIN TROPPI copy/paste


00:33:071 (4) - La fine di questo slider non è snappata correttamente. Fixa subito
Topic Starter

Armin wrote:


*Spiegami perchè CAVOLO hai quasi -1000ms come OFFSET. Correggi, plz. Non vedo dove sia il problema, l'importante è che il metronomo va a tempo


Elimina le sezioni verdi dopo che la mappa finisce, stessa robaccia nella normal. Fatto :x


01:05:405 (1,2,3,4) - streams come questi (e quindi anche quelli successivi) seguono il ritmo ma considerando la facilità di questa hard sono leggermente fuori luogo. Considera di sostituirili o con un repeat 1/4 bpm lungo oppure con tre hitcircle distanziati di 1/2 Fixed

FIN TROPPI copy/paste Lo so. Sai, la hard doveva farmela un certo qualcuno. Quindi siccome ero semi incazzato e anche lazy, ho fatto tutti sti copy/past. Non è importante, imho, basta che i patterns sono buoni no?


00:33:071 (4) - La fine di questo slider non è snappata correttamente. Fixa subito Sorry, fixed :S

Thank you armin :3

Chewin wrote:

Armin wrote:


*Spiegami perchè CAVOLO hai quasi -1000ms come OFFSET. Correggi, plz. Non vedo dove sia il problema, l'importante è che il metronomo va a tempo


01:05:405 (1,2,3,4) - streams come questi (e quindi anche quelli successivi) seguono il ritmo ma considerando la facilità di questa hard sono leggermente fuori luogo. Considera di sostituirili o con un repeat 1/4 bpm lungo oppure con tre hitcircle distanziati di 1/2 Fixed

FIN TROPPI copy/paste Lo so. Sai, la hard doveva farmela un certo qualcuno. Quindi siccome ero semi incazzato e anche lazy, ho fatto tutti sti copy/past. Non è importante, imho, basta che i patterns sono buoni no?
Per il primo punto, no. Per favore controlla questo thread: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=20998

Per il secondo: no. Fare buoni pattern e poi copiarli a raffica non significa fare direttamente una buona mappa. Prendi lo stile iNiS, ad esempio: i patterns sono ottimi, ma dopo già il primo minuto ti accorgi di averli visto la centesima volta. Questo non è il massimo del gameplay e contribuisce a rendere la mappa noiosa.
i feel left out that i cant speak italian :| anyways lets get started :D.

Disable the countdown and letterbox during breaks

00:02:405(2,3) - replace this for a slider?
00:23:738(1) - too far to the middle
00:26:571(1) - move it 1 tick back and end it at 00:27:071
00:28:071(3) - Ctrl+J for an easier path?
01:42:738(3) - ^
01:47:405(2) - flip it like This?
02:01:071(4) - same as 00:28:071

00:21:071(1,1) - players wont be able to recover for this
00:36:238(5) - this slider can be nicer
02:31:571(2) - can u align this to the end of (1)?

00:43:571(1) - Ctrl+H for an easier path?
01:55:571(3) - make this look the same as (1)
01:58:238(1) - same as 00:43:571
02:23:071(1) - this slider can be nicer
03:16:405(1) - same as 00:43:571

no problems here

this is the best i can do. GL :D
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Thanks for modding (:
Provvederò a fixare armin.
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Byakugan249 wrote:

i feel left out that i cant speak italian :| anyways lets get started :D.

Disable the countdown true, fixed and letterbox during breaks nope

00:02:405(2,3) - replace this for a slider? ok
00:23:738(1) - too far to the middle then? 0: There is a white tick between them so it's k
00:26:571(1) - move it 1 tick back and end it at 00:27:071 mh and added a clap, done thanks
00:28:071(3) - Ctrl+J for an easier path? ok
01:42:738(3) - ^^
01:47:405(2) - flip it like This? nah
02:01:071(4) - same as 00:28:071

00:21:071(1,1) - players wont be able to recover for this nah
00:36:238(5) - this slider can be nicer it's k
02:31:571(2) - can u align this to the end of (1)? na

00:43:571(1) - Ctrl+H for an easier path? k
01:55:571(3) - make this look the same as (1) ?
01:58:238(1) - same as 00:43:571 k

no problems here

this is the best i can do. GL :D
Thanks, updated ~
Modificato anche la hard e l'offset armin, graaazie.
from my queue

oh , the BG... I'd like you to change one , why not use moe BG ;_;

00:02:404 (2) - this is very confusing , the spacing is wrong..
00:03:071 (1,2,1) - ^

00:31:905 (1) - start at 00:31:738 - ? it is now kinda hard to know when it start..
01:02:405 (5,6) - I suggest change to a slider , or the rhyme is kinda hard to read
02:09:738 (5,1) - slider first , circle later , fit the song better imo
hitsound is really boring , add more finish somewhere , like 00:12:404 - , 00:17:738 - , 00:33:738 -
I suggest you to add many finish like this way

AR+1 , or it is too hard to read pattern in this diff ..
00:00:405 - 00:05:738 - I suggest use 1.0x spacing this part , or speed got fast too suddenly(from 00:06:238 (1,2,3,4))
00:25:405 (5) - move to 00:25:238 - ? follow vocal better
00:33:238 (4,5) - change to slider? this rhyme is kinda hard to read imo
02:20:071 (1) - change a combo color plz , it blend into spinner now
hitsound need more finish , too
this diff follow vocal too much , and some rhyme is hard to read imo. especially short sliders with many repeats , those are too hard for newbies to read , they are hard to know when it end , so players don't know how long to hold the sliders.
I think short sliders shouldn't repeat too many times in Normal diff..

AR+1 plz , it is now too low imo
00:05:738 (1) - speed up too suddenly.. I suggest use 0.75x speed till 00:05:738 -
00:25:571 - add note? you can hear here is a heavy beat in music , right?
00:27:071 (2,3) - this is too boring imo , why not change to 2 repeat sliders?
00:36:238 - add note?
00:37:738 - 00:39:404 - I think this part follow music is better than vocal..
00:39:738 (1) - this is vocal off , cancel repeat and add slider from 00:40:238 - to 00:40:571 - , sound much better
02:24:404 (5,6) - this stack looks bad , make it looks like 02:28:404 (1,2) - is better
02:31:404 - add note?
02:45:571 - useless timing section
02:46:238 - ^
03:17:738 (5,6) - same as 02:24:404 (5,6)
03:24:738 - add note?
03:37:571 - spinner end at here is better imo

01:02:905 (6) - move to 01:03:071 - ? follow vocal better
02:58:071 (3) - move it to x:168 y:224 ? or it is kinda hard to read..
02:58:904 - move newcombo to 02:59:071 -
02:59:404 - cancel newcombo
02:59:904 - move newcombo to 02:59:738 - , newcombo start at heavy beats is easier to read the rhyme
03:37:571 - spinner end at here is better imo
too many streams imo..

that's all 0.0
Topic Starter

wcx19911123 wrote:

from my queue

oh , the BG... I'd like you to change one , why not use moe BG ;_; No I like it :S

00:02:404 (2) - this is very confusing , the spacing is wrong..
00:03:071 (1,2,1) - ^
[/color] fixed
00:31:905 (1) - start at 00:31:738 - ? it is now kinda hard to know when it start.. ok
01:02:405 (5,6) - I suggest change to a slider , or the rhyme is kinda hard to read k
02:09:738 (5,1) - slider first , circle later , fit the song better imo nope, the slider follows the vocal
hitsound is really boring , add more finish somewhere , like 00:12:404 - , 00:17:738 - , 00:33:738 - added this and others
I suggest you to add many finish like this way

AR+1 , or it is too hard to read pattern in this diff .. k
00:00:405 - 00:05:738 - I suggest use 1.0x spacing this part , or speed got fast too suddenly(from 00:06:238 (1,2,3,4)) I think it's ok in this way, as the other diffs sorry S:
00:25:405 (5) - move to 00:25:238 - ? follow vocal better No, it's hard for a normal diff :1
00:33:238 (4,5) - change to slider? this rhyme is kinda hard to read imo ok
02:20:071 (1) - change a combo color plz , it blend into spinner now wut? xD Maybe it's your spinner's circle :\ Btw I removed the combo from 02:20:404
hitsound need more finish , too added
this diff follow vocal too much , and some rhyme is hard to read imo. especially short sliders with many repeats , those are too hard for newbies to read , they are hard to know when it end , so players don't know how long to hold the sliders.
I think short sliders shouldn't repeat too many times in Normal diff.. sooner or later they have to learn.

AR+1 plz , it is now too low imo ok S:
00:05:738 (1) - speed up too suddenly.. I suggest use 0.75x speed till 00:05:738 - No ._. It's ok in this way too, since I did it in all diffs.
00:25:571 - add note? you can hear here is a heavy beat in music , right? yes k
00:27:071 (2,3) - this is too boring imo , why not change to 2 repeat sliders? k
00:36:238 - add note? k
00:37:738 - 00:39:404 - I think this part follow music is better than vocal.. why? It's ok in this way imho
00:39:738 (1) - this is vocal off , cancel repeat and add slider from 00:40:238 - to 00:40:571 - , sound much better fixed in an other way
02:24:404 (5,6) - this stack looks bad , make it looks like 02:28:404 (1,2) - is better it was k but I fixed
02:31:404 - add note? yea forgot it
02:45:571 - useless timing section removed
02:46:238 - ^^
03:17:738 (5,6) - same as 02:24:404 (5,6) k..
03:24:738 - add note? yes
03:37:571 - spinner end at here is better imo k

01:02:905 (6) - move to 01:03:071 - ? follow vocal better No, it sounds very bad :\
02:58:071 (3) - move it to x:168 y:224 ? or it is kinda hard to read.. k
02:58:904 - move newcombo to 02:59:071 -
02:59:404 - cancel newcombo
02:59:904 - move newcombo to 02:59:738 - , newcombo start at heavy beats is easier to read the rhyme k for all comboing suggestions ^
03:37:571 - spinner end at here is better imo k
too many streams imo.. Mh, no °-° Streams are just in the part where needs streams lol

that's all 0.0
request from my queue

Source:Shinigami no Kiss ha Wakare no aji
The source of ranked one is this↑

normal-hitclap2.wav with normal hitsound sounds really noisy.turn down it

00:12:238 useless line
01:48:072 (3) - clap
01:59:738 (3) - reduce a repeat? the last repeat sound a little full

02:22:071 (1) - remove NC
02:32:737 (1) - ^?

00:28:738 (1) - move clap to the beginning
00:37:405 (2) - spacing
01:54:404 (1) - clap at the repeat
02:14:737 (5) - clap
02:59:405 (1,1,1) - remove NC

01:25:071 (5,6) - 1 grid right
01:46:737 (2) - clap at the beginning
01:54:405 (1) - clap at the end
01:56:071 (4) - clap
You miss many clap in this diff..try add them
Hey! Sorry for keeping your waiting this long, but regular maps had sort of low priority for me and I was quite busy.
In any case, I will give you a more "general" type of a mod instead of a full detailed mod. The reason is, I could be telling you what to change but that won't help much because you could be thinking something else, instead I will just give you opinions on why you should change something and some suggestions.

So let's go!

  1. The background isn't really suitable for a PG13 content. The song isn't of an extreme kind (I think haha) and I don't think you want blood everywhere for that. Unless that's colored water, juice or some other liquid, but that doesn't matter cause it looks like blood. Up to you if you change it or not.
  2. Folder: Normal-hitclap2.wav sounds exactly like a default Normal-hitnormal, and since you use it where default hitnormal is present, it sounds bad, wrong and badwrong. You should definitely change this, remove it or add some other type of a snare drum.
  3. The kiai: It felt boring. I know using it for the chorus is the right way to do it, but there are other "right" ways which makes it more interesting. To be honest, that guitar solo you mapped was really damn epic, and it could use the kiai much more than the first 2 choruses. Leaving the kiai on the 3rd chorus is also awesome (in combination with that guitar solo), because it gives off a more progressive and epic feel, rather than repetitive, and the 3rd chorus is a little different (starts quietly then "explodes", right where you placed your kiai).
  1. 00:05:738 - 00:11:071 - In this area you could continue using whistles, I think it would sound nice. You could use it like you use claps normally, so 2nd and 4th white tick. Sounds pretty nice if you ask me.
  2. 00:11:155 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - I suppose its fine if you really want this stream, but things like this make your map overmapped. If you listen to the music, you will notice there is nothing in the music to cover notes 4-9.
    When mapping a stream, it's good to have volume a bit higher because it could be hard to tell if the player is timing it correctly, atleast I think that. Having a stream here also makes notes 9,10,11 (the notes covering both the drum and guitar in this case) feel less important.
    If you decide on removing those 5 notes, you should definitely raise the volume of the remaining last 3 notes cause it brings much better impact.
  3. 00:26:404 - You should map this tick at all costs. Thing is, this is insane diff and you can map almost everything you hear in the music, and since you were using every middle white tick for rhythm (with your custom clap), missing this tick breaks the rhythm and makes it feel empty.
  4. 00:31:738 - Same thing.
  5. 00:37:071 - ^
  6. 00:38:738 - You should consider adding a note here cause of the guitar. The guitar is quite powerful and noticeable in the music and you skipped it. I understand you mapped vocals here, but you didn't do it explicitly cause you added drums to it, so why not add the guitar too?
  7. 01:05:405 (1,2,3,4) - Soft whistle works well when making a stream that follows melody. Try it.
  8. 01:05:738 - And here we come to the kiai and that custom hitclap. That just sounds bad. Goes for all kiai sections. :\
  9. 01:15:321 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - Just like the other long stream, you could consider this overmapped. Saying that it follows the voice is silly because the voice holds and a stream can never get a "hold" feeling right. To follow the music, you could remove the following notes: 1,3,7,9. Removing those notes creates a nicer rhythm (if you ask me) and also brings bigger impact to the last 5 (or should I say 4, cause the 5th one is the slider coming afterwards) notes of the stream especially cause you also have melody present there.
  10. 01:20:905 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - No 1/4 in the music here at all. All notes are 1/2.
  11. 01:22:905 (1,3) - Cause you used a finish at 01:21:738 (1), having it here too would sound great because you would be emphasizing the rhythm better. Also goes for the start of the slider 01:24:405 (3).
  12. 01:26:405 (1) - Having 20% normal volume at the end makes little sense. If you want it silent cause the vocal ends, use 5% and soft hitsounds.
    Technically, you could be saying the vocal ends at 01:29:571 so thats another matter to consider.
  13. 01:37:738 - In this part you have rhythm which calls for claps on every 2nd and 4th white tick, so consider adding notes which would cover the rhythm in that way (01:38:738, 01:40:738, 01:44:071, 01:49:404, etc). You also have some sliders going over such ticks and that makes it a bit awkward but it's not that bad I guess. Also be sure to check for all those ticks cause some are missing claps.
  14. 02:17:738 (1) - I don't like this spinner cause it makes you map less than you could (while you were overmapping at some places where you probably shouldn't have). Try this: end the spinner at 02:18:904 and map something like this. This makes it alot more interesting atleast.
  15. 02:20:071 (1,2,3,4) - Just like my suggestion before, soft whistle could make it sound better.
  16. 02:29:988 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - Won't be saying much anymore, already told you what I think about this, also it's kinda the same just like in the first kiai I mentioned. :p
  17. 02:49:071 (3) - You were following the guitar nicely and then you suddenly map something boring. You should definitely continue mapping the guitar here if you ask me.
  18. 03:09:988 (6) - This note just feels wrong, best to remove it imo. Doesn't really follow the music nicely either.
As for other diffs, the hitsounds and the basic ideas I already mentioned in the Insane they apply to other diffs too. You just don't have that much freedom to map everything, but I won't be repeating myself.

  1. 00:11:071 - You have leftover timing sections. They are harmless if they don't bring a change, or if they bring a change during silence, but having a volume change mid spinner sounds bad. You should try to clean the leftover timing sections from lower diffs. Affects all diffs.
  2. 01:05:405 (1) - Placing double repeaters like this could be misleading. Try positioning it like you do it in streams usually, so the end points towards the next note. This one is kinda obvious, but you never know who might trip on this.
  3. 01:54:404 (1,2) - This felt bad cause it doesn't follow the music nicely. The vocal is on 01:54:904, not 01:55:071.
  4. 02:37:237 (2) - This aint nicely stacked, try disabling grid snap and using 0.0 distance.
  5. 03:00:404 - This break just escapes me. The music really doesn't call for one. You should somehow map stuff and then put a little break here: 03:13:738 - 03:16:404. This makes more sense to me. You don't even need the break in my opinion, but if you want one cause you want this to be easier, that's a nice spot if you ask me.
  1. 00:11:238 (3) - Sort of a bad thing to do in a normal. Try this. It brings out the guitar much better too.
  2. 00:15:738 (1) - Most double repeaters can be mapped with just a single slider or a combination of a slider and a circle. Try to avoid double repeaters in normal and easy diffs as much as possible, especially cause you use lots of single repeaters too. This affects all double repeaters.
  3. 00:49:071 (5) - This feels bad cause you could say a new section starts at 00:49:738, and having something which is a "leftover" from a previous one just feels "meh".
  4. 01:09:904 - You should never use 100% volume for "clapticks". IIRC someone told me once that they should be 12% less than you currently use to fit nicely. Try that instead if you really want the clapticks. You should change that clap sound anyway though.
  5. 01:26:404 (1) - This spinner end feels really wrong cause the "heavy beat" is at 01:29:571. Move the end there. Just a little observation: you nearly silenced it in hard and insane. What's the reason you didn't do the same here, and you added a finish? :p
  6. 02:03:738 (5) - Same thing as I wrote for 00:49:071.
  7. 02:29:904 (4) - Definitely a bad idea for a normal. Sounds sort of bad as well. The string melody does play where you mapped it, but having normal default for it is just meh. Also you don't follow it till the end so you should probably think of something else I think.
  8. 02:44:404 - Why end it here? The song has over a minute left.
  1. 00:45:071 (3) - Yeah, this is definitely not something for an easy. Not because it's hard by itself, but it makes the difficulty really inconsistent. Everything is slow, has lots of space, lots of normal sliders and then a short double repeater comes out of nowhere. Consider changing this.
Not much more can be said about lower diffs really. Just I find it sort of bad to have them end where they do, gives off a feeling you got lazy haha. In any case I hope these few advices help you, atleast better than a full mod, cause I don't think this is yet ready to go into every possible detail just yet. Nothing unrankable here and overall composition is nice, but it could use some imporovement on a more basic level.

Have a star.
Topic Starter
Oh lolcubes thank you very much for your nice mod >.<
I will check it later, thanks for your time <3
Hi :3




  1. 00:05:738 (1) - add a finish?
  2. 01:46:572 (1) - 1 grip left~?
  3. 01:49:905 (3) - 1 grip up?
  4. 01:54:738 (4) - NC~
  5. 01:55:072 (1) - remove the NC~
Nice diff @.@/


AR and OD -1 ?
  1. 00:05:071 (3) - this slider sounds weird, maybe removing the whistle and adding it to the reverse?
  2. 00:11:238 (3) - remove two reverse and add a note on 00:12:071 - ?
  3. 00:14:238 (4) - NC?
  4. 00:24:571 (4) - ^
  5. 00:29:571 (3) - 1 grip to the right?
  6. 00:30:071 (4) - NC?
  7. 00:32:571 (3) - 1 grip down?
  8. 00:34:571 (2) - 1 grip up~
  9. 00:36:238 (5) - looks a bit ugly, maybe like this?
  10. 00:40:905 (3) - i grip down~
  11. 00:48:071 (3,4) - move those 1 grip down to be the same as 00:47:071 (1,2) - ? :3
  12. 00:53:405 (3) - 1 grip down as well~
  13. 01:44:737 (4) - NC?
  14. 01:58:238 (3) - ^


  1. 00:27:738 (3) - looks better if you do this? (my puush is crashing so i'll do this :<)
  2. 00:58:738 (2) - 1 grip down, it's too far~
  3. 01:25:738 (1) - remove this NC~
  4. 01:40:071 - so much free spaces before and after the (7) ~ o.o"
  5. 01:51:071 (5,6) - ^
  6. 02:15:571 (2,4) - make those lined with the (3) ~
  7. 02:35:071 (4) - maybe like this?


Fine and great Diff www

Chewin nice work on your map :3 star and good luck with ranking it ~
Topic Starter
Thank you sekaiii ><
Ciao a tutti frutti


* Your normal-hitclap2 were same as normal-hitnormal. And it just bad and worse. Try find another clap hitsound (and about slidertick is included too)
* Inconsistent kiai time

00:47:071 (1,2,3,4) - Please replace this into a single slider. Because beginners will confusing about the rhythm of song
01:00:405 (1,2,3,4) - ^
01:26:405 (1) - If you want a silenced spinner, you have to remove finish
02:01:738 (1,2,3,4) - Same issue as 00:47:071 (1,2,3,4)
02:15:072 (1,2,3,4) - ^

00:05:071 (3) - Remove whistle sound in sliderbody
00:36:238 (5) - I think this slider needs more wavy

Hmm, I feel it needs more mods from MAT, because I feel hesistate to bubble it, since there is a large modpost here
Topic Starter
Thanks leorda, I still have to fix the previous parts >.< But thank you anyways
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